Risks & Walls

I am no risk-taker. At least I wouldn't consider myself one. 

I'd never jump at the chance to leap out of an airplane or voluntarily plunge into great unknowns without my list of reservations. In fact, I like a plan. I like to stick to the plan and find myself quite comfortable in surroundings I'm familiar with. 

To risk means to take a chance on something. To accept the possibility of loss or injury. The uncertainty. To take a plunge. Risk encompasses both fear and excitement. 
Yeah, that isn't exactly my cup of tea. 

In our language study, I recently learned the Acholi word for courage, cwiny tek. The word cwiny meaning heart, and tek meaning strong. A heart of strength or strong hearted. 
Growing in faith is a risk. And it causes you to find that strength to stand, despite the overwhelming feelings that try to keep you down. The more you trust God, the more moments of risk you will encounter. Obeying God is a risk. You don't know how things will turn out. 

Risk is the fear of the unknown and the possibility of the awesome.

One of the biggest risk-takers in the Bible was Joshua. In hopes of claiming the Promise Land, the Israelite's first needed to take the city of Jericho. Joshua had to take some big risks to take. He risked sending in two spies, trusted a prostitute, declared the Lords plan to his army, and marched around Jericho in obedience to the Lord. 

God called the Israelite's into the Promise Land, but a Jericho stood in their way. The towering walls of Jericho. The army of Jericho hidden within, waiting to defend their city with force. Jericho, the unconquerable walled city. 

The task seemed pretty daunting.Yet, the Lord spoke to Joshua saying, 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

I can envision the people of Jericho mocking the Israelite's as they marched on. As they walked out their faith, trusting the Lord to come through. They weren't asked to cover their heads with shields, or shoot flaming arrows or to try to break through the stones towering above them.  They were called to wait on God in their obedient marching. They were called to risk their lives to walk out the Lord's call on their life. 

To lift up shouts of praise as walls collapsed before their eyes. 

It was a risk to leave our homeland, a land of comfort and familiarity. To move to a new land with a new culture and learn a new language. It's a risk to trust the Lord for our provision and finances. It's a risk to raise a child, without the closeness of family and dear friends. To be without things I think I need. It's a risk to open up and make new friends. To trust God with my family, both near and far. To surrender every part of my life in order to walk out my obedience to Him.

So, maybe I am a little bit of a risk-taker. But the risks I take are weighted in God's success, not mine. Definitely, not mine, so I can have peace that the Lord will finish what He wants to accomplish. 

What is God asking you to risk? It may not be to pack up, sell off and ship out. But it could be to stand firm, wait on, or press in. Living for God is a risk. A risk well rewarded, even though you may not see immediate results. To have courage means to do something that frightens you. You may never enjoy taking risks, but to take one step forward despite the fear and the unknown, is courageous. It's learning to live with a strong heart. 

"You hem me in, behind and before. 
You lay your hand upon me. " - Psalm 139:5

So in whatever towering wall you face, circumstance, or challenge... fear not. 
Be strong- hearted! Bed cwinyi tekand know that God goes before you and beside you. 
He will come through.   

Check out Velvet Ashes for more thoughts and ideas on risk


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