the growing of life.

Hand on belly. Waiting. Watching.
Being in the moment. Consumed with love.
Belly rises and belly falls. Still no sign other than my quiet breathing. In and out.
And then. Belly moves and it can be felt. A movement. a touch. a moment of connection.


Bumps and kicks. Punches and pokes. Growing stronger each day. More noticeable each time. And there is life. Breathing in and moving within. And I am in awe. Beginning for nothing. God breathed life itself into my being. and life has grown. More than eight months now and less than two to go.

I am pregnant with joy. Joy bubbling up and about to spill over.

Oh! What does my little one look like?
A mixture of his daddy and I... and yet made in the image of God. 

As you are. As I am. 

Life is in me.


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