sweet spring

Snow melting. Green grass peeking through the dried brown above.
Fresh breath of crisp air.
Sun warmth, the colours of orange and yellow filling all senses.

A love song echoing from beyond the dead branches.

Spring has arrived.
Beginning again. New life. Fresh start.
Flowers begin to awake with excitement from their long slumber.

New buds emerge, soaking up the sun. Joyful rays of light. 

Winter is gone. Vanished, as quickly as it came.
Once covered in a white blanket, now covered in tiny puddles. Soaking up the dry.
It's a new season. The waiting has been long, but something is stirring.

 It's being called forth and out from the deep.

Seeds long forgotten and years back hear the call.
The roots sing a tune and expand even deeper to allow for endless growth above.
A sturdier foundation for an ever growing tree.

It's time to arise. Yes, it's time to arise and shine.

Glimpses of hidden promises and dreams awaken from hibernation.
There is movement at the sound of the call. A new day has come.
The waiting is now over. Let love awaken and stir the soul.

And sweet spring has sprung. 


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