the journey.
We are getting closer to home every second. Our trip to the West
Coast is nearing its end. Its finale.
And I'm feeling a little anxious.
The next few months are going to be filled with new
experiences, new challenges and new adjustments. That's lovely, except over the
years I've developed an allergy to change. Yes, I'm an obsessive internal-processor. Thoughts can swirl
around my mind all day (aka. anxiety). However, when I take pen to paper I can
begin to work through those all-consuming thoughts and allow God to take over.
The first thought slamming into my mind is the obvious one.
We are moving to Africa.
It's not the moving to Africa itself that induces the
wide and encompassing range of emotions. I love Africa and I can't wait to get there! It's the moving from all that
has become familiar and so very comfortable. It wouldn't be a big deal, if it
just wasn't such a big deal. Uprooting, those temporary roots placed
in the ground. After all, this has always been the plan. Talked about.
Dreamed about. Cried about. Asked about. Ached about.
And, now it's here.
A journey, like the one we are returning from. And It's not like I
don't do well on road trips. My husband drives and I sleep like a baby. Of
course travelling with an 8-month old does put a wrench in my
traveling style... but I really can't complain. He is the most
incredible traveler and makes me think "Ok, this may be achievable."
This is our fourth road trip since he's been born. He is an
absolute champ.
Most road trips have a destination in mind. They may or may
not be limited to bumpiness, uncertainty, potential break-downs,
sudden rain or snow storms reducing visibility, and many potty breaks, sleeping
breaks, feeding breaks, coffee breaks and stretch breaks.
Some would caution saying "Oooh! The risks are not worth
the reward.."
And oh! how I love staying safe and comfortable, but I have also come to love
adventure. Of course not the jump-out-an-airplane-kind, but the new sights and
new tastes and new experiences kind. Can you be both terrified and ecstatic at
the same time? I think that word would be "terrifatic" and
that would be an accurate description of how I'm feeling. I love
experiencing the world and yet you can't really experience the world sitting on
your couch watching it. You have to step out the door, get in the car (or
airplane) and go!
And so, we return from one trip to a year of many more
and we prepare to leave one home for another. The journey ahead already shows glimpses of what we saw on this past trip through the mountains; tremendous heights, winding
roads and valleys. But this is life. This is all part of the journey of life and of following the Lord. Your life and my life. There
may be a few flat tires, tired moments where we must pull over and rest,
refueling, wrong turns accidentally taken and a whole lot of asking for
direction. Yes, there are risks, but there are also incredible rewards.
There is potential for our faith to be challenged, spiritual growth, new friendships, exciting opportunities, new ministry, growth as a family, opportunity to serve with my husband and to see God move in extra-ordinary ways. The rewards are endless and definitely out weigh challenges and uncertainty when you step out in faith.
And mostly, it is comforting to know that we are not on this journey alone. God is both our driver and navigator. It's our responsibility to trust in His knowledge, His direction, His purpose, and His vision for our lives. It all comes back to trust. Trust and obedience. Trust that he will take care of us and obedience to follow his call on our lives, no matter the cost. And that's where I'm at. I don't want to worry about the mountains or valleys that lay ahead of us. Or the comfort of what we are leaving behind.
It's my desire to enjoy the ride.
All of it. I'm so blessed to call this particular journey mine. I pray, whatever road you find yourself on, you are encouraged to press on and to trust your guide. He sees beyond the mountains, the winding roads, the valleys and all that's uncertain. He knows your destination and He knows the endless rewards available for you to discover along the way. After all, it's not really about the destination.
It's about the journey.
All of it. I'm so blessed to call this particular journey mine. I pray, whatever road you find yourself on, you are encouraged to press on and to trust your guide. He sees beyond the mountains, the winding roads, the valleys and all that's uncertain. He knows your destination and He knows the endless rewards available for you to discover along the way. After all, it's not really about the destination.
It's about the journey.
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